Childcare is available for ages birth-7.

Regular Sunday Schedule

Worship Service
Intimate worship with traditional hymns and multi genre chamber music

Education Hour
Spiritual formation for adults, youth and children

Coffee is provided in the Heritage Center

Worship Service
Traditional Worship with the 70-voice Westminster Choir

Participate in Worship

Scripture Readers
If you’d like to read scripture at our Sunday worship services, please sign up here.

If you’d like to serve as a greeter, welcoming worshipers to our Sunday services, sign up here.

Communion Servers
We welcome PC(USA) ordained elders and deacons to this ministry. Click here to sign up for the dates you’d like to serve communion.

Acolyte: a child who participates in the worship service by carrying a processional cross or lighting the Christ candle
Montview acolytes bring the light of Christ into the sanctuary, leading the processional at the 11:00am service. Students in grades 3 through 12 are welcome to serve. Sign up here.

Flower Dedications
New beginnings, birthdays, anniversaries, and gratitude are all great reasons for chancel flower dedication. What or whom do you wish to honor, thank, or remember with fresh flowers given to the glory of God for display in the sanctuary on a Sunday? Click here to make your gift of flowers.

Meditation Garden

Montview’s neighborhood meditation garden is next door and open to all. Discover a quiet space with a shady pergola, beautiful plants, a striking water sculpture and a stone labyrinth for meditative walking.