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Word to the Children

Word to the Children is our Sunday worship services for children available for you to watch anytime.  View the playlist on Facebook or YouTube.

Co-Pastor Updates

Weekly Update from the Co-Pastors. View the playlist on Facebook or YouTube.

The Art of Lament, Faith & Hope

This series explores the creative ways artists model lamentation and faith through the practices of writing, poetry, music and the visual arts. Watch on YouTube.

Ash Wednesday Service

This service of music and prayer in observance of Ash Wednesday was livestreamed on February 14, 2024. It is done in the style of the monastic Taizé community with sung prayers, silence, communion and the imposition of ashes. View the video on Facebook or YouTube.

Love Unbound (A Service of Remembrance)

Love Unbound is a reflective, meditative service of music, readings and prayer that honors the many feelings that emerge during the holiday season as loved ones are missed and losses are heightened.  The 2023 service was live-streamed on Monday, December 11th at 7pm. Watch on Facebook.

The Dangers of White Christian Nationalism Forum Series

This series of public forums, offered by a coalition of faith communities, educates about the threat White Christian Nationalism and counters misinformation about Christian values. View the playlist on YouTube.

Faithful Parenting: Moments of the Heart

This program is a series of short videos offering suggestions for bringing Christian education and faith formation into your home and week. Watch on Facebook or YouTube.

Adult Faith Formation

Video our complete Adult Faith Formation collection on YouTube.

Music @ Montview

A collection of music from all of the various musicians within Montview. Watch on YouTube.

Summer Sacred Music Seminars

In this series, Minister of Music Adam Waite hosts conversations with professional musicians and leaders about the influence of music in our current cultural moment. Watch on YouTube.

Children’s Stories

Bible Stories with Cheryl and Storytime with Heather are two series we have uniquely created for children within our community.  Cheryl walks through 14 stories from the Bible in a way that is easy and accessible for children to engage with.  Heather reads multiple children’s story books that help our kids find beauty and meaning in new ways. Watch on YouTube.