Modernizing Infrastructure

The Need

After thorough discussion and review with members of the Building and Grounds Committee, the scale and cost of several projects necessitate capital attention.

Sanctuary Roof Repairs

  • Replace and repair roof tiles and underlay.
  • Clean and seal waterproofing to remove and prevent mold.
  • Identify and sequence future roof replacements for full restoration and maintenance.

Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Upgrades

  • Improve air conditioning and heating circulation, including user comfort, controls, and efficiency.
  • Update electrical and plumbing systems to accommodate growth in campus size and volume.

Window Replacement and Refurbishment

  • Repair, refurbish, and replace non-religious windows throughout Montview campus.
  • Identify and provide additional upgrades to comfortability and energy efficiency.

Fire and Life Safety Improvements

  • Assess and implement needed sprinkling and fire suppression in the Education Wing.
  • Upgrade interior and exterior access management, security, and technology.