October 20, 2024 | 8:30 & 11:00am
Amazing Grace (8:30am)
arr. Paul Basler (b. 1963)
Andante mosso (11:00am)
Bernhard Kothe (1821-1897)
What Wondrous Love
arr. Susan E. Geschke
Rev. Amanda Osenga
Associate Pastor
*Call to Worship
Leader: Gathered as God’s people, we come to worship:
People: To sing of all that is good, beautiful, and true.
Leader: As disciples of Christ, we come to learn:
People: To follow the ways of justice and love.
Leader: Called to proclaim the good news:
All: Let us worship God, serving the world with faith and hope.
*Gathering Hymn 15 All Creatures of our God and King, Verse 4
*Prayer of Lament (Unison)
Compassionate God, You understand our pain.
You sympathize with our weaknesses.
And you look at us with love.
We yearn for the day when all pain, sorrow and tears
will be gone.
Help us to give voice to our grief, and to move
from pain to peace.
Thank you for the love you have shown
through the death and resurrection of your Son,
in whom we put our trust and hope. Amen.
*Assurance of Comfort
*Response Gloria (Sing twice)
*Passing of the Peace
667 When Morning Gilds the Skies (Laudes Domini)
Word to the Children
When the music begins, children are invited to gather on the chancel steps as we sing, “This is where children belong, part of our family, part of our song. Be with us, pray with us, help us grow strong: this is where children belong.” Please note that the 11:00am service is livestreamed and your child’s image may appear on the video.
Abide with Me/Shall We Gather at the River (8:30am)
arr. Paul Basler
I’ve Got Joy (11:00am)
Otto & Jayna Gross, Abigail Flowers
Prayer for Illumination (Unison)
Give us humble, teachable, and open hearts,
that we may receive your Word
and respond in love. Amen.
Scripture Lesson
Philippians 4:4-9 (Pew Bible New Testament Page 175)
Response to Reading
Leader: Listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking to the Church.
People: Thanks be to God.
Anxious Minds, Peaceful Hearts
Rev. Dr. Jason Hays, Executive Minister
Moment for Reflection
Musical Reflection
Mazurka Op 17. No. 4 (8:30am)
Frederick Chopin (1810-1949)
Moderato (11:00am)
E. Kühns
Offering Ourselves and Our Gifts Rev. Dr. Lorraine Leist, Associate Pastor
Making a financial gift makes Montview’s programs and ministries possible, including this worship service. You are invited to give generously at www.montview.org/giving. You can also text a dollar amount to 720.452.6449. Offering boxes are stationed at the exit for cash and checks. We’re grateful for your support.
All are invited to sign and pass the Friendship Pad and greet each other by name.
*Prayer of Dedication (Unison)
God, you have so greatly loved us, long sought us, and mercifully redeemed us. Give us grace that in everything, we may yield ourselves, our wills and our works. A continual thank offering to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
607 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer (Unison)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
*Closing Hymn
804 Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart! (Marion)
*Charge and Benediction
Allegretto from Organ Sonata No. 4, Op. 65
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
Montview’s newest mission partner is Development in Gardening (DIG). DIG designs regenerative gardens that grow health, wealth and a sense of belonging for some of the world’s most uniquely marginalized people in eight African countries. A $150,000 grant from Montview’s Mission Impact Fund supports DIG’s programs in Kenya, Uganda and Senegal. Montview members are invited to attend DIG’s Global Summit on October 24. Visit their table in the Commons today to learn more.
The Dangers of White Christian Nationalism Forum Series
2024 Montview Distinguished Lectureship: Dr. Jemar Tisby
October 26-27: The Spirit of Justice
October 26 | 9:00am-12:00pm
Session One: Who We Must Be
This session will highlight four virtues that characterize people who engage in justice work.
Session Two: Red and Blue and Black and White
This session explains why people of different races and ethnicities vote the way they do.
October 27
8:30 and 11:00am Worship (Preaching)
9:30am Adult Faith Forum: The Spirit of Justice
Learn some of the Black history they never taught you and be inspired to continue the journey of justice.
Prayer Gatherings (on Zoom)
October 22, 29, November 5 | 12:15 to 12:45pm
Join the staff on October 22, October 29 and November 5 for Prayer Gatherings on Zoom. These Tuesday gatherings from 12:15-12:45pm are a time for us to come together as a congregation to pray for our country and the upcoming election and to support one another during this time. There will be a brief check in, a short reflection, and then time within which we can hold space for prayer concerns. Click here to join on Zoom.
Congregational Meeting
October 27 | 12:00pm (Sanctuary)
Please join us for a congregational meeting after the 11:00am service on October 27. The purpose of the meeting is to elect members of the Co-Pastor Nominating Committee (CPNC). The proposed slate of candidates includes Dianne Briscoe McKenzie, Jessica Crawford, Eric Hilty, Peg Logan, Craig Maginness, Erika Neale, Kate Reinemund, William Schumacher, Matt Spohn and Nancy Van Burgel. The CPNC will search for and nominate a candidate for our next installed Co-Pastor.
Preacher: Rev. Dr. Jason Hays
Liturgists: Rev. Amanda Osenga and Rev. Dr. Lorraine Leist
Organ: Yinying Luo
Horn: Sue Miller-Curley (8:30am)
Piano: Bob Bassett (8:30am)
Conductor: Becki Cornwall (11am)
Assistant Conductor: Heidi Shriver (11am)
Piano: Jim Craft (11am)
Handbells: Youth Bells (11am)
Reader: Kate Williams
Sound: Cate Thieme
Video: John Goerner
Children’s Chorus: Bel Canto Choir (11am)
Prayer Tree
Mike Bufton; Janelle Case; Delsie Citizen, friend of Sue Norman; Everett Cordy, brother of Sylvia Cordy; Jolene Cranston; Vicki Dunham, mother of Bryn Dunham; Richelle Force, mourning the death of her brother, Richard Cross; Donna Fredrickson; Steve Hatlem, brother of Jenni Hatlem; William Hatlem, father of Jenni Hatlem; Joe Hickman; Steve House; The Kerr Family, mourning the death of Read Kerr; Eden Murphy; Mac Murphy; Celina Perez and Tim Will, friends of Peggy Gonder; The Robb-Levinsky Family, mourning the death of Nik Levinsky; The Simons Family, mourning the death of Shelley Simons Lauterbach; Julie Spear, sister-in-law of Linda Goerner; Jewel Wegs
October 6 | Read Kerr
Flower Dedication
The flowers in the chancel today are given to the glory of God by Kathy Taylor Dusser in memory of her amazing mother, Rev. Dr. Dusty Taylor.
8:00am – 12:30pm
Childcare – Ages Birth-7
Location: Preschool Floor
Enter via the Commons past Heritage Center to the Education wing.
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Youth Bells (Grades 3-8)
Location: Room 206B
Ballot Initiatives Briefing
By The League of Women Voters
Location: Miller Chapel
Bel Canto Choir (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 205
Assembly: Choir Alternative Fellowship (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 204B
Location: Confirmation Room
Sunday School (Preschool)
Location: Room 112
JAM in the AM (Grades 6-8)
Location: Cellar
MOB in the Morning (Grades 9-12)
Location: Cellar Back Room
Sunday School (Grades K-5)
Location: Second Floor
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Jubilate Singers (Grades 6-12)
Location: Sanctuary
JAM (Grades 6-8) – Corn Maze
Location: Off-Site
Assistive listening devices are available in the sound booth in the back of the sanctuary.
Restrooms are available in the Commons. An all-gender restroom is available on the lower level across from Youth Cellar.
Childcare is available for ages Birth-7 on the Preschool floor.
A room for families with children who are not enjoying the service is below the sanctuary with livestream.
Please note that the 11:00am worship service will be livestreamed to several social media platforms and your image may appear on the livestream video.
1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220
303.355.1651 | www.montview.org