Festival of Lessons and Carols
December 22, 2024 | 11:00am
Festival of Lessons and Carols is a bridge between the liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas. Our service is an adaptation of the form used on Christmas Eve at King’s College Chapel in Cambridge, England. As the service begins, the prayers of the people are sought for those in need at this time. The nine lessons which follow detail the salvation story of God’s people, from the time of creation through the prophets, and conclude with the fulfillment of these prophecies as recorded in the gospels. Each lesson is followed by a carol which is chosen to enhance its message. The congregation is invited to prepare for the service in silent meditation. We ask you to refrain from applause.
Rev. Dr. Jason Hays
Executive Minister
Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle — Candle of Love
Reader One: This Advent we have embraced hope, peace, and joy amid despair, injustice, and grief. While we wait for Christmas, love is gestating in darkness.
Reader Two: The fourth candle is the candle of LOVE. In the birth of Jesus, God’s love for us was made known in an unexpected way. Reminded that Emmanuel, God with us, is both fierce and tender, we light this candle of love.
(Light four candles on the Advent wreath.)
Reader One: Love permeates every aspect of this life: from birth to death, pain to delight, strangers to lovers. Preparing the way of love, may this light kindle compassion, solidarity, and hospitality for others.
All: May the light from this candle ignite compassion that guides our actions, understanding that bridges our differences, and kindness that transforms the world around us, declaring that God’s love is on its way.
Opening Hymn Once in Royal David’s City (Irby)
Verse 1: Theodore Wallenkamp, soloist
*Verses 2-6: Congregation and Choirs (Please rise in body or spirit.)
He came down to earth from heaven Who is God and Lord of all,
and His shelter was a stable, and His cradle was a stall.
With the poor and mean and lowly, Lived on earth our Savior holy.
And through all his wondrous childhood, He would honour and obey,
love, and watch the lowly maiden In whose gentle arms he lay;
Christian children all must be Mild, obedient, good as he.
For He is our childhood’s pattern, Day by day like us He grew;
He was little, weak, and helpless, Tears and smiles like us He knew;
and He feeleth for our sadness, And He shareth in our gladness.
And our eyes at last shall see Him, Through His own redeeming love,
for that Child so dear and gentle Is our Lord in heaven above;
and He leads His children on To the place where He is gone.
Not in that poor lowly stable, With the oxen standing by,
We shall see him; but in heaven, Set at God’s right hand on high;
Where like stars his children crowned All in white shall wait around.
*Bidding Prayer
*The Lord’s Prayer (Unison)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
*Note: There is no Word to the Children today. Childcare sign-in is available in the Commons.
Creator of the Stars of Night
Sarum Plainsong
Westminister Choir
Text – Hymn 84-Latin, 9th Century
First Lesson Genesis 1: 1-5 (selected verses)
Reader: Amanda Osenga
Carol Adam Lay Ybounden
Carson Cooman (b. 1982)
Westminster Choir
Adam lay Ybouden, Bounden in a bond;
Four thousand winter Thought he not too long.
And all was for an apple, An apple that he took,
As clerkes finden Written in their book.
Ne had the apple taken been, The apple taken been,
Ne had never our lady A been heavené queen.
Blessed be the time that apple taken was,
Therefore we moun singen, “Deo gracias!”
Second Lesson Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7
Reader: Rosie Mucharsky-O’Boyle
*Hymn 129 Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (Es Ist Ein’ Ros’)
Third Lesson Isaiah 11: 1-4, 6-9
Reader: Rev. Dr. Lorraine Leist
Carol Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella
arr. Cathy Moklebust
Youth Handbells
Fourth Lesson Luke 1: 26-35, 38
Reader: John Goerner
Carol A Christmas Carol
Charles Ives (1874-1954)
Westminster Choir
Little star of Bethlehem!
Do we see thee now?
Do we see thee shining o’er the tall trees?
Little Child of Bethlehem!
Do we hear Thee in our hearts?
Hear the angels sing:
Peace on earth, goodwill to men. Noel!
O’er the cradle of a King,
Hear the angels sing:
In excelsis gloria, gloria!
From His father’s home on high,
Lo! For us He came to die;
Hear the angels sing:
Venite adoremus Dominum.
Fifth Lesson Luke 1: 39-55
Reader: Sandy Prouty
Carol Magnificat
Bryan Kelly (b. 1934)
Westminster Choir
Sixth Lesson Matthew 1: 18-21
Reader: Beth Ellsworth
*Hymn 121 O Little Town of Bethlehem (St. Louis)
Seventh Lesson Luke 2: 1-7
Reader: Kim Kirkwood
Carol It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Sara Groves (b. 1972)
Jubilate Singers
Text – Hymnal #123
Eighth Lesson Luke 2: 8-20
Reader: Rev. Dr. Jason Hays
Carol The Shepherds’ Farewell
Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)
Westminster Choir
Thou must leave thy humble dwelling,
The humble crib, the stable bare,
Babe, all mortal babes excelling,
Content our earthly lot to share,
Loving father, loving mother,
Shelter Thee with tender care!
Blessed Jesus, we implore Thee,
With humble love and holy fear,
In the land that lies before Thee,
Forget not us who linger here!
May the shepherds’ lowly calling,
Ever to Thy heart be dear!
Ninth Lesson John 1: 1-14
Reader: Rev. Clover Reuter Beal
Carol Christmas Bells Are Ringing
J. Paul Williams/Patti Drennan
Bel Canto Choir
*Collect for Christmas
*Hymn 88 O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel) verses 1, 6 & 7
1 O come, O come, Emmanuel,
and ransom captive Israel,
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
shall come to thee, O Israel.
6 O come, thou Dayspring, come and cheer
our spirits by thine advent here;
disperse the gloomy clouds of night,
and death’s dark shadows put to flight. [Refrain]
7 O come, Desire of nations, bind
all peoples in one heart and mind;
bid envy, strife, and discord cease;
fill the whole world with heaven’s peace. [Refrain]
Conductor/Piano: Adam Waite
Organ: Yinying Luo
Children’s Music Conductor: Becki Cornwall
Children’s Music Assistant Conductor: Heidi Shriver
Bel Canto Accompanist: James Craft
Percussion: Dan Gasser
Giving to Montview
Many of us are prayerfully discerning our Christmas giving. We invite you to consider making a special year-end gift to the church at www.montview.org/giving or by texting a dollar amount to 720.452.6449. Offering boxes are stationed at the exit for cash and checks. We’re grateful for your support.
Christmas Joy Offering
We invite you to make a Christmas Joy Offering using the envelopes that are distributed in the pews. Your donation to this PC(USA) special offering will provide assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and leadership development and education for communities of color Presbyterian-related schools and colleges. You may also give online at specialofferings.pcusa.org.
Everett Cordy, brother of Sylvia Cordy; Jolene Cranston; Vicki Dunham, mother of Bryn Dunham; Bruce Easton, brother of Doug Easton; Beth Ellsworth, mourning the death of her brother, Michael Wallis; John Hartshorn; Steve Hatlem, brother of Jenni Hatlem; William Hatlem, father of Jenni Hatlem; Jay Henry, family of Mary Jo Bush; Joe Hickman; Ellen Easton Howard, sister of Doug Easton; Tony Johnson; Eden Murphy; Mac Murphy; Scot Sandoval, son of Juanita Martinez; Page Shaver and family,
mourning the death of Jud Shaver; Jewel Wegs
Memorial Services
Patricia (Patty) Romeo | December 28 at 11:00am in the Miller Chapel
2pm & 4pm – Family Service
Sanctuary & 4pm Livestream
6pm & 8pm – Candlelight
Sanctuary & 6pm Livestream
7:15pm – Witness to the Light
(candlelight and music along Montview Blvd)
10pm – Candlelight with Choir
Sanctuary (with a special prelude performance of “In Terra Pax” beginning at 9:55pm)
December 29 Worship Service
One Service at 11am (Sanctuary)
On December 29, we’ll have one worship service at 11:00am in the sanctuary. Join us for this special service where we’ll have poetry and prose, along with a carol sing. We’ll celebrate the gifts of the season and prepare for the year to come. There will be a hot chocolate bar reception in the McCollum Room following the service. Childcare will be available for ages birth-7.
Assistive listening devices are available in the sound booth in the back of the sanctuary.
Restrooms are available in the Commons. An all-gender restroom is available on the lower level across from the Youth Cellar.
Childcare is available for ages Birth-7 on the Preschool floor.
A room for families with children who are not enjoying the service is below the sanctuary with livestream.
Please note that this service will be livestreamed to several social media platforms and your image may appear on the livestream video.
We are happy that you are worshiping with us today and invite you to learn more about Montview. Please fill out one of the Friendship Pads that are placed in the pews. Feel free to contact our office at 303.355.1651 or email Todd Rembe at todd@montview.org with questions. Please come again.
1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220
303.355.1651 | www.montview.org
*You’re invited to rise in body or spirit.