Montview’s Anti-Racism Trust Team

– Artists Detour and Hiero painted a mural of George Floyd on the side of a Ready Temporary Services building at High Street and Colfax Avenue. 

ARTT’s History and Mission

Montview’s Anti-Racism Trust Team Work Begins…
In the Fall of 2020, following a summer of racial unrest, Montview’s Anti-Racism Trust Team (ARTT) was formed to prayerfully discern how Montview might become a more anti-racist congregation. The ARTT team has delved into honestly sharing thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Through sharing stories and learning together, they have built trust and a shared language.

ARTT’s Mission
The Montview ARTT is a “beloved community”… one which values equity and inclusivity.

  • We believe we must start with AWARENESS and listening for the voice of the Spirit in our own hearts before we can step into this work with our congregation.
  • We COMMIT to action to bring forth the scriptural values of seeking justice and loving mercy.
  • We are dedicated to loving our neighbor as ourselves and building deeper RELATIONSHIPS within our Montview community.                                 

Over the past year, the ARTT has moved this vision forward primarily through offering and facilitating small groups focused on The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism by Dr. Jemar Tisby. 

*Note: “Beloved Community is rooted in the biblical notion of Agape Love (God’s unconditional love) and is to be the ultimate goal for the world (creation). It, according to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is the love of God operating in the human heart, and seeks to “preserve and create community.”

If you would like to engage in individual anti-racism steps, we recommend reading this article published in the 303 Magazine in June 2020, entitled “How to Be an Anti-Racist in Denver.”

Montview Church Program Staff Interview on Anti-Racism Work 
Montview Church is committed to integrating principles that support and promote racial justice throughout the life and work of our church. We believe that this commitment from our church leadership is an essential part of Montview’s anti-racism work.  Our program staff has participated in a powerful 5 month training entitled,  “Anti-Racism Practices for Faithful Leaders,” facilitated by NextChurch, a program of the PC-USA Church. They speak about their learning, experiences and reflections from the training, and how this will impact their work and our congregation as we plan for the future. Pastor Ian honestly shares wise advice from facilitator Jessica Vazquez Torres to encourage learning and growth in this area: “Be willing to fall down, and embarrass yourself. This is hard work. It is awkward work.”  Please listen to our Montview Church staff’s discussion about current and upcoming efforts and commitment to anti-racism work in our congregation and beyond.

For a collection of articles and resources on race, visit our Race Resource page by clicking here.

ARTT Prayer of Lamentation
This prayer is a collective effort created by the entire ARTT to raise awareness of the pain and trauma caused by racism, to acknowledge our responsibility as Christians to work towards healing and reconciliation, and to ask for the Spirit to guide us in this important work.

Watch this video above of a Prayer of Lament, written and read by the ARTT. In it, they share laments and prayers for the sin of racism. Read the full prayer text here.

“… being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination.”

Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, Author
How to Be an Antiracist

Books We are Reading

ARTT has been offering book studies on two works by Dr. Jemar Tisby: The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism and How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice. Information on both of these studies can be found above.

ARTT has also been engaged with their own studies. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with a skilled facilitator, Rev. Shavon Starling-Louis, Co-Moderator of the Anti-Racism Ministry Team of the Presbytery of Charlotte and Pastor of Meadowlake Presbyterian Church in North Carolina. She led our team through, What Lies Between Us Journal & Guide: Fostering First Steps Toward Racial Healing, by Dr. Lucretia Carter Berry, a 5-Week Self-paced Anti-racism Educational Course. The book is available on Amazon. 

Past Activities and Events

February 2023

Celebrate Black History Month @ Montview and Beyond
Black History Month occurs every year in February, and it is an important month for all of us to observe, honor and celebrate. Black History is our history. Black History Month is about honoring the legacy, struggle and accomplishments of African Americans in striving for their freedom, dignity and human rights in the United States. As Dr. Tisby said in an article on this topic from 2021, “The impact African Americans have made on this country is part of our collective consciousness. Contemplating Black history draws people of every race into the grand and diverse story of this nation.” Click here to learn more about how Montview honored this special month.

February 2023

Dr. Jemar Tisby at Montview
In November 2022, Montview and the ARTT had the privilege of hosting Dr. Jemar Tisby — author of The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism — as our Dodds Memorial Lecturer.  He led a Saturday morning workshop, preached at two services, and led the Adult Faith Formation session, engaging members of Montview and other congregations across the Denver metro area and inspiring new energy on this important topic to our church, community, and country. The event was extremely well-attended, well-received and inspirational. To watch Dr. Tisby preach and lead the Adult Faith Formation session, click here.

Fall 2020 – Fall 2021

ARTT Slide Show
Watch this video presentation of a slide show that the ARTT team put together describing their activities from Fall 2020-Fall 2021. It shares early plans for ARTT’s evolving work on this important journey.

Current Team Members

  • Dianne Briscoe McKenzie, Co-Moderator
  • Leah Oliver, Co-Moderator
  • Marilynn Ackermann
  • Charlie Bruce
  • Larry Deffenbaugh
  • Margie Green
  • Madie Gustafson
  • Juanita Martinez
  • Madie Gustafson
  • Matt McConville
  • Brent Mullins
  • Amanda Osenga, Minister of Youth and Families
  • Heidi Shriver
  • Becca Siever

Past Team Members

  • Elyse Coberly
  • Sylvia Cordy
  • Jim Cummings
  • Allen Harder
  • Suzy King
  • Marjorie Lewis
  • Ben Lusz
  • Lynn Merwin
  • Malcolm Newton
  • Natalie Palacios
  • Deb Saint-Phard
  • Chin Tan