Art Reflection - Hagen

Kelly Simpson Hagen, a current American artist, seems to have captured diversity and the gospel in simplified figures and bold colors here. I love the implications of both. Can you find yourself in this abstracted and lovely mass of humanity? Where would you like to link arms and stand in triumphant oneness facing whatever is next? 

This could be the emblem of our life of faith in these times. Let’s add ourselves without delay. We can do this in God’s world of extravagant, breathtaking beauty if we just find a place, even a temporary and small and imagined place to link arms. May we hold this image as we resolve do this work each day. What could be more important? Amen.

In gratitude, faith and hope,

Sandy Prouty
Minister of Children and Families
Montview Church

We the People Must Come Together, 2019
Kelly Simpson Hagen
Image from Fine Art America