Adam Waite, Minister of Music

Adam Waite is the Minister of Music at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church. In addition to overseeing Montview’s broad musical and artistic programming, Adam also conducts Montview’s Westminster Choir: an 80-voice mixed chorus that is the cornerstone of weekly worship. Since arriving at Montview in the Fall of 2015, Adam has led concert performances of Gustav Holst: The Cloud Messenger (Colorado Premiere); Paulus: Heritage Songs (Colorado Premiere); Nancy Galbraith: Missa Mysteriorum (Orchestral World Premiere); Poulenc: Gloria; Finzi: In Terra Pax; Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on Christmas Carols, Dvořák: Mass in D, Ellington: Sacred Concert, and Rutter: Gloria. He also conducts the Ghost Ranch Chorale, a weekly choir festival held at Ghost Ranch, NM every summer.

Prior to joining Montview, Adam lived and worked in the New York City area, where he was Co-Artistic Director and Resident Conductor for Lyrica Chamber Music and the Director of Music at the Presbyterian Church of Chatham Township, NJ.

As a composer, he has worked with over forty different Broadway casts as Music Supervisor and Director for Broadway Cares: Carols for a Cure, and has won numerous ASCAP awards for his original compositions. His orchestral work The Tool Collector was heralded by the LA Times for its use of “minimalist texture while seamlessly contrasting symphonic strings with jazz horns.” His re-imagined score to Dave Brubeck’s “To Hope!” was premiered at St. Peter’s Church jazz vespers, and his arrangements and orchestrations for Cantor Arik Luck were performed by the Metropolis Symphony at Chicago’s Symphony Center, with Martin Sheen narrating. More recently, his arrangements have been performed by the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, the folk group I’m With Her and the Boulder Chorale.

Adam was born and raised in Albany, NY. His wife, Leena, is frequently heard at Montview playing her violin. Together they are proud parents of Ethan and novice dog owners of Reba.