Bulletin: September 22, 2024


September 22, 2024 | 8:30 & 11:00am


Excerpts from Choral No. 3 in A minor
César Franck (1822–1890)

Rev. Dr. Jason Hays
Executive Minister

*Call to Worship
Leader: Shout for joy to God, all the earth;
All: Sing the glory of God’s name;  
Leader: Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!”
All: All creation worships you and sings praises to your name.

*Gathering Hymn  409  God Is Here!  (Abbot’s Leigh), Verse 3

*Prayer of Lament (Unison)
Loving God, we gather in worship,
offering our praise, yet also acknowledging
there is pain in our midst.
In whatever situation we may find ourselves,
you welcome us into your presence.
We open our hearts to release our grief;
We open our hearts to receive your comfort.
Plant in us seeds of love so that we may yield
a harvest of hope.
In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

*Assurance of Comfort

*Response Gloria (Sing twice)

*Passing of the Peace

687  Our God, Our Help in Ages Past  (St. Anne)


Word to the Children
When the music begins, children are invited to gather on the chancel steps as we sing, “This is where children belong, part of our family, part of our song. Be with us,   pray with us, help us grow strong: this is where children belong.” Please note that the 11:00am service is livestreamed and your child’s image may appear on the video.

He’s Just the Same Today (8:30am)
American Negro Spiritual, arr. Victor Labenske

Jubilate Deo (11:00am)
Jay Althouse (b. 1951)

This morning’s performances of “He’s Just the Same Today” – an American Negro Spiritual – is presented in accordance with our reparations royalty pilot program: a practice of valuing the musical contributions of enslaved Africans to American worship and song. Congregants are invited to make a reparation royalty contribution via the pew offering envelope (write “reparations royalty”). Contributions can also be made online at Montview.org/giving (One-time gift: Reparations Royalty Fund) or by clicking here.

Prayer for Illumination (Unison)
Give us humble, teachable, and open hearts,
that we may receive your Word
and respond in love. Amen.

Scripture Lesson
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (Pew Bible New Testament Page 179)

Response to Reading
Leader: Listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking to the Church.
People: Thanks be to God.

An Abiding Faith: Hope Is What We Do
Rev. Clover Reuter Beal, Co-Pastor

Moment for Reflection

Musical Reflection
Will There Really Be a Morning? (8:30am)
Richard Hundley (1931-2018)

Meditation on Eventide (11:00am)
arr. Adam Waite (b. 1978)


Offering Ourselves and Our Gifts  Rev. Amanda Osenga, Associate Pastor
Making a financial gift makes Montview’s programs and ministries possible, including this worship service. You are invited to give generously at www.montview.org/giving. You can also text a dollar amount to 720.452.6449. Offering boxes are stationed at the exit for cash and checks. We’re grateful for your support.

All are invited to sign and pass the Friendship Pad and greet each other by name.

*Prayer of Dedication (Unison)
God, you have so greatly loved us, long sought us, and mercifully redeemed us. Give us grace that in everything, we may yield ourselves, our wills and our works. A continual thank offering to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

607  Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow  (Doxology)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer (Unison)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

*Closing Hymn
836  Abide with Me  (Eventide)


*Charge and Benediction

*Benediction Response
May the God of Hope Go with Us
Argentine Folk Melody

Excerpts from Choral No. 3 in A minor
César Franck (1822–1890)

The Montview Art Selection Team, MAST, strives to support the visual arts at Montview by purchasing, commissioning, and displaying the art of local artists. MAST, in collaboration with Redline Gallery, is currently sharing the work of Denver artist, Myra Nagy. Myra is planning to be at Montview today at noon – come meet her in the McCollum Hallway! Donate to support this ministry by clicking here (select “Sacred Art Fund” from the dropdown) or add “Sacred Art Fund” to the memo line of your check.


What’s Happening at Montview?
Learn about the art exhibit outside the McCollum Room; receive in-person help with the CAT survey on September 29; donate to the Loaves & Fishes Food Drive and more in our This Week @ Montview email. Click here to access the latest edition.    


The Art of Lament, Faith & Hope
Sunday Mornings | 9:30am (Miller Chapel)
In this series, we will explore the creative ways artists model lamentation and faith through the practices of writing, poetry, music and the visual arts.

September 15: Introduction to Lamentation as a Way Toward Hope
Dr. Timothy Beal

September 22: African American Spirituals and Lament
Dr. Daryl Walker, Minister of Worship and Arts, Park Hill United Methodist Church

September 29: Lament through the Visual Arts
Sandy Prouty, Minister of Children and Families

October 6: Poetry and Lament
Padraig O’Tuama, Poet, Theologian and Host of the Podcast, Poetry Unbound

Preacher: Rev. Clover Reuter Beal
Liturgists: Rev. Dr. Jason Hays and Rev. Amanda Osenga                                 
Piano/Conductor: Adam Waite
Organ: Yinying Luo
Soprano: Erin Pettitt (8:30am)
Reader: Beth Ellsworth (8:30am)
Reader: Graham Westrop (11:00am)
Sound/Video: John Goerner
Livestream: Christine Hofstad
Chorus: Westminster Choir (11:00am)


Prayer Tree   
Shan Heyman Burchenal and family, mourning the death of J. Tad Heyman; Janelle Case; Everett Cordy, brother of Sylvia Cordy; Vicki Dunham, mother of Bryn Dunham; Amy Farrell, friend of Aimee Sanders; Donna Fredrickson; Steve Hatlem, brother of Jenni Hatlem; Steve House; Rebecca KoenigBerg, mourning the death of her mother, Barb Berg; Lydia Law, aunt of Aimee Sanders; Nik Levinsky; The Lynde Family, mourning the death of Hal Lynde; The Macfarren Family, mourning the death of Jean Macfarren; Eden Murphy; Mac Murphy; Julie Spear, sister-in-law of Linda Goerner; Jewel Wegs; The Wolfer Family, mourning the death of Janet Wolfer

September 7 | Harold W. (Hal) Lynde
September 1 | Jean H. Macferran

Memorial Services
Janet Wolfer | September 28 at 11:00am in the sanctuary
Lorraine (Lorry) Zelenkov | October 5 at 3:00pm in the sanctuary

Flower Donations
The flowers in the chancel today are given to the glory of God by Colleen Barrett in memory of Lorry Zelenkov.


8:00am – 12:30pm         
Childcare – Ages Birth-7
Location: Preschool Floor
Enter via the Commons past Heritage Center to the Education wing.

Worship Service

Location: Sanctuary

Youth Bells (Grades 3-8)
Location: Room 206B               

The Art of Lament, Faith & Hope: African American Spirituals and Lament
Dr. Daryl Walker, Minister of Worship and Arts, Park Hill United Methodist Church 
Location: Miller Chapel

Bel Canto Choir (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 205

Assembly: Choir Alternative Fellowship (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 204B

Location: Confirmation Room

Sunday School (Preschool)
Location: Room 112

JAM in the AM (Grades 6-8)
Location: Cellar

MOB in the Morning (Grades 9-12)
Location: Cellar Back Room

Sunday School (Grades K-5)

Location: Second Floor

Worship Service

Location: Sanctuary

Meet and Greet with Artist Myra Nagy
Location: McCollum Hallway

Jubilate Singers (Grades 6-12)
Location: Sanctuary

Installation Service for Rev. Dr. Lorraine Leist

Location: Sanctuary

MOB (Grades 9-12)

Location: Off-site

Assistive listening devices are available in the sound booth in the back of the sanctuary.

Restrooms are available in the Commons. An all-gender restroom is available on the lower level across from Youth Cellar.

Childcare is available for ages Birth-7 on the Preschool floor.

A room for families with children who are not enjoying the service is below the sanctuary with livestream.

Please note that the 11:00am worship service will be livestreamed to several social media platforms and your image may appear on the livestream video.

1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220
303.355.1651 | www.montview.org

* Those who are able are invited to stand.

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