December 11 | 8:30 & 11:00am
O Key of David and O Emmanuel from O Antiphon Sequence
Cecilia McDowall (b. 1951)
Lighting of the Third Advent Candle – Candle of Joy
Reader One: When I look around, I see shadows of sadness, families who have lost loved ones, people in prison, people who are refugees in a strange land…
Reader Two: When I look around, I see shadows of grief, people dreading the holidays because of painful memories, or because they don’t want to spend another Christmas alone…
Reader One: In the face of sadness, we light a candle of joy…
Reader Two: In the face of grief and loss, we light a candle of joy…
(Light three candles on the Advent wreath.)
Reader One: Please join me in the unison prayer:
People: May the light from this candle overwhelm the world with God’s deep joy. May the light from this candle say to all that God’s joy is coming, on earth as it already is in heaven. Let us be not afraid, God’s Advent is at hand!
*Gathering Hymn O Lord, How Shall I Meet You, verse 3
*Corporate Confession (Unison)
Holy One,
In this Advent season, keep us attentive to fragile things:
the expectant hopes of children,
the places of peace in the world,
the dreams in our own hearts.
For they are like tender shoots rising from the ground,
and with your help, we commit again
to keep them alive.
*Assurance of God’s Love
*Response Gloria
*Passing of the Peace
99 My Soul Gives Glory to My God (Morning Song)
Word to the Children
When the music begins, children are invited to gather on the chancel steps as we sing “This is where children belong, part of our family, part of our song. Be with us, pray with us, help us grow strong: this is where children belong.” Please note the 11:00am service is livestreamed and your child’s image may appear on the video.
Sacrament of Holy Baptism (8:30am)
*The Baptismal Creed (Unison)
In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. We trust in Jesus Christ, fully human, fully God. We trust in God, whom Jesus called Abba, Father. We trust in the Holy Spirit, everywhere the giver and renewer of life. With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Glory be to the Creator, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Excerpted from A Brief Statement of Faith).
Cover Me (8:30am)
Ike Sturm (b. 1978)
Tyrley, Tyrlow from Three Carols (11:00am)
Phillip Heseltine (Peter Warlock) (1894-1930)
Prayer for Illumination (Unison)
Holy One,
come to this place
and increase our love for one another
by the reading of your word. Amen.
Scripture Lesson
Luke 1: 26-38 (New Testament Pew Bible Page 49)
Response to Reading
Leader: Listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking to the Church.
People: Thanks be to God.
Always We Begin Again
Rev. Clover Reuter Beal
Moment for Reflection
Musical Reflection
Remember (8:30am)
Michael Gungor (b. 1980)
Balulalow from Three Carols (11:00am)
Phillip Heseltine (Peter Warlock)
Offering Ourselves and Our Gifts
Making a financial gift makes Montview’s programs and ministries possible, including this worship service. You are invited to give generously at or by texting a dollar amount to 720.452.6449. Offering boxes are stationed at the exit for cash and checks. We’re grateful for your support.
All are invited to sign and pass the Friendship Pad and greet each other by name. If you are visiting, we also invite you to fill out the welcome card in the pew rack and put it in the offering box.
*Prayer of Dedication (Unison)
God, you have so greatly loved us, long sought us, and mercifully redeemed us. Give us grace that in everything, we may yield ourselves, our wills and our works. A continual thank offering to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
607 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer (Unison)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
*Closing Hymn
88 O Come, O Come Emmanuel Verses 2, 3, 4
*Charge and Benediction
Benediction Response (11:00am)
Creator of the Stars of Night
Sarum Plainsong
Toccata on Veni Emmanuel
Andrew Carter (b. 1939)
Gun Violence Prevention
Since 2017 Montview has been an active member of CFCU, Colorado Faith Communities United to end gun violence, a diverse group of almost 50 faith communities. To honor all lives stolen by gun violence, CFCU will be holding a Candlelight Vigil at Messiah Community Church on December 14 from 4-5:30pm. Contact: Susie Pappas,
Christmas Joy Offering
We invite you to make a Christmas Joy Offering using the envelopes that are distributed in the pews. Your donation to this PC(USA) special offering will provide assistance to current and retired church workers in their time of need and develop our future leaders at Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. You may also give online at
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Childcare – Ages Birth-7 (masks optional)
Location: Preschool Floor
Youth Bells (Grades 3-8)
Location: Room 206B
Adult Faith Forum
Exploration of the contemplative and counter-cultural practices of spiritual waiting in the season of Advent.
Rev. Dr. Jason Hays
Location: Miller Center
Combined Cantate and Timbrel Choirs (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 205
Assembly: Choir Alternative Fellowship (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 204
Location: Gallery Room
Sunday School (Preschool)
Location: Room 112
JAM in the AM (Grades 6-8)
Location: Cellar
Waffles and Wonderings (Grades 9-12)
Location: Cellar Back Room
Sunday School (Grades K-5)
Location: Preschool and Second Floors
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Childcare – Ages Birth-7 (masks optional)
Location: Preschool Floor
Jubilate Singers (Grades 6-12)
Location: Sanctuary
Christmas Party – JAM and MOB
Location: Cellar
Parents of Montview Youth
Location: McCollum Room
Although we are not requiring ticketing for our Christmas Eve services,
we strongly recommend that you pre-register to help us in our planning.
Pre-register at
December 12 | 7pm
“Love Unbound” Service
Sanctuary & Livestream
December 18 | 8:30am and 11am
Service of Lessons & Carols
Sanctuary & 11am Livestream
December 18 | 9:30am
Christmas Tea & Children’s Craft Fair
Fellowship Hall
Christmas Eve Services
2pm | Family Service
Sanctuary & Livestream
4pm | Family Service
6pm | Candlelight Service
Sanctuary & Livestream
7:15pm | Witness to the Light
Along Montview Blvd
8pm | Candlelight Service
10pm | Choir & Candlelight Service
Christmas Day
One Service at 11am
Miller Center & Livestream
Assistive listening devices are available in the sound booth in the back of the sanctuary.
Restrooms are available in the Commons.
Childcare is available for ages Birth-7 on the Preschool floor.
Please note that this worship service will be livestreamed to several social media platforms and your image may appear on the livestream video.
Prayer Tree
Carole Buchanan, mother of Ellen McDonough; Sheila Cody; Dennis Cole; Jolene Cranston; Dave, son-in-law of Nancy and John Thompson; Mel Gilles and Craig Warner, family members of Sheila Cody; Madie Gustafson; Jenni Hatlem; Gretchen Ackermann Moss and the Ackermann family; Eden and Mac Murphy; The people of South Sudan who are facing starvation; Bea Romer; Sue Taylor, sister of Heidi Shriver; Leroy Thompson, brother of Delores Collins; Patricia Vestal; Steve Warnke
December 2 | Ray Cunningham
November 30 | Dugan Frederick
The flowers in the chancel today are given to the glory of God by Ellen Reath in loving memory of her father Henry T. Reath.
1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220
303.355.1651 |