November 6, 2022 | 8:30 & 11:00am
Thomas H. Kerr (1915-1988)
*Call to Worship (Psalm 121)
Leader: I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come?
People: My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Leader: The Lord will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
People: The Lord who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
Leader: The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore. Amen.
*Gathering Hymn
652 A Grateful Heart, Verse 1 (Rockingham)
*Corporate Confession (Unison)
We confess that we have failed as a country, as a church, and as individuals to stand with those harmed by systemic racism. We have contributed to the oppression of others, both knowingly and unknowingly. We have rushed to the ope of healing, before understanding the fullness of the pains that have been inflicted.
Show us our own complicity in injustice. Convict us where we are indifferent. Forgive us when we have remained silent. Through your Holy Spirit, give us the grace to change. Amen.
*Assurance of God’s Love
*Response Gloria (Sung three times)
*Passing of the Peace
525 Let Us Break Bread Together (American Negro Spiritual)
Word to the Children
When the music begins, children are invited to gather on the chancel steps as we sing “This is where children belong, part of our family, part of our song. Be with us, pray with us, help us grow strong: this is where children belong.” Please note the 11:00am service is livestreamed and your child’s image may appear on the video.
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993)
Prayer for Illumination (Unison)
Soften our hearts and open our minds, as we turn again to Your Holy Word. Amen.
Scripture Lesson
Hebrews 10:32-35
(New Testament Pew Bible Page 198)
Response to Reading
Leader: Listen to the voice of the Spirit speaking to the Church.
People: Thanks be to God.
Confronting Injustice with Confidence
Dr. Jemar Tisby
Moment for Reflection
Musical Reflection
Talk About a Child
arr. Calvin Taylor
Stewardship Moment
*Prayer of Dedication (Unison)
God, you have so greatly loved us, long sought us, and mercifully redeemed us. Give us grace that in everything, we may yield ourselves, our wills and our works. A continual thank offering to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
607 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology)
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.
Invitation to the Lord’s Table
Great Thanksgiving
Leader: The Lord be with you.
People: And also with you.
Leader: Lift up your hearts.
People: We lift them to the Lord.
Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
People: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
Leader: Let us give thanks for the revolutionary message passed down through history. Through followers and prophets. Through imperfect sovereigns, foreigners, refugees and the enslaved. Rich and poor, scorned and revered, with papers and without papers. A message of good news for the poor, release for the captives, and liberty for the oppressed. For you, O God, have been faithful to us through all generations and continue to speak to us today. We praise you for this table of love you spread in the world as a sign of your love for all people. And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven, we praise your name and join in their unending song.
Eucharistic Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer (Unison)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Words of Institution
Communion of the People
You are invited to come forward, offering your open palms to the communion server. Once you receive a piece of communion bread and juice, please bring them back to your seat in the pews. A gluten-free option is offered from the server on the pulpit side of the aisle.
The Presbyterian tradition does not include a specific rite for first Communion. Our parents decide when their children are ready to participate.
Communion Music
525 Let Us Break Bread Together (American Negro Spiritual)
Our singing of “Let Us Break Bread Together” – an American Negro Spiritual – is presented in accordance with our reparations royalty pilot program: a practice of valuing the musical contributions of enslaved Africans to American worship and song. Congregants are invited to make a reparation royalty contribution via the pew offering envelope (write “reparations royalty”). Contributions can also be made online on our Giving page (One-time gift: Reparations Royalty Fund).
*Prayer of Thanksgiving (Unison)
Gracious God, you have made us one with all your people in heaven and earth. You have fed us with the bread of life and renewed us for your service. Help us, who have shared Christ’s body and received his cup, to be faithful disciples, so that our daily living may reflect your presence among us, and our love be your love, reaching out into the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
*Closing Hymn
326 For All The Saints, Verses 1-3 (Sine Nomine)
*Charge and Benediction
Naming of the Saints (In the Columbarium)
Jemar Tisby, Ph.D., is a historian specializing in race, religion, and social movements in the 20th century and the author of The Color of Compromise and How to Fight Racism. You can follow his work through his newsletter, Footnotes, and on social media at @Jemar Tisby.
Seeds of South Sudan was founded by former “Lost Boy of Sudan” Arok Garang. This Colorado non-profit raises funds to retrieve South Sudanese orphans from a UN refugee camp and educate them in Kenya. Seeds has already educated 145 orphans to be “seeds of change” for South Sudan. Visit:
Assistive listening devices are available in the sound booth in the back of the sanctuary.
Restrooms are available in the Commons.
Childcare is available for ages Birth-7 on the Preschool floor.
Please note that this worship service will be livestreamed to several social media platforms and your image may appear on the livestream video.
Prayer Tree
Dennis Cole; Jolene Cranston; Dave, son-in-law of Nancy and John Thompson; Joy Freeman; Madie Gustafson; The Meyerhoff family, mourning the death of Ben’s father, Paul G.E. Meyerhoff; Eden Murphy; Dan Park; Bea Romer; Leroy Thompson, brother of Delores Collins; Steve Warnke
October 18 | Allen Maruyama
The flowers in the chancel today are given to the glory of God by Dianne Briscoe McKenzie in memory of “Gilbert E. McKenzie and Kenyatta McKenzie” and “Ruth C. Denny and Michael Briscoe.”
We are happy that you are worshiping with us today and invite you to learn more about Montview. Please fill out one of the Welcome Guest Cards that are distributed in the pews and place it on a plate near the exits when finished. Feel free to contact our office at 303.355.1651 or email with questions. Please come again.
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Childcare – Ages Birth-7 (masks optional)
Location: Preschool Floor
Enter via the Commons past Heritage Center to the Education wing.
Youth Bells (Grades 3-8)
Location: Room 206B
Adult Faith Forum
Dr. Jemar Tisby
Location: Sanctuary
Combined Cantate and Timbrel Choirs (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 205
Assembly: Choir Alternative Fellowship (Grades K-5)
Location: Room 204
Location: Gallery Room
Sunday School (Preschool)
Location: Room 112
JAM in the AM (Grades 6-8)
Location: Cellar
Waffles and Wonderings (Grades 9-12)
Location: Cellar Back Room
Sunday School (Grades K-5)
Location: Preschool and Second Floors
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Childcare – Ages Birth-7 (masks optional)
Location: Preschool Floor
Enter via the Commons past Heritage Center to the Education wing.
Naming of the Saints Service
Location: Columbarium
Listening Session for Congregational Meeting
Location: Miller Center
Jubilate Singers (Grades 6-12)
Location: Sanctuary
JAM (Grades 6-8)
Location: South Plaza
MOB (Grades 9-12)
Location: Cellar
1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220
303.355.1651 |