8:30am and 11:00am
Saraband and Interlude
Herbert Sumsion (1899-1995)
Call to Worship
Liturgist: Today is the day the Lord has made,
People: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Liturgist: We offer ourselves and our service,
People: For the Lord has done great things for us.
Hymn Anthem
Be Thou My Vision (Slane)
arr. Ike Sturm
Text – Hymnal #450
(Currently, we are not singing hymns. You are invited to follow along with the text as the musicians offer the music.)
*Corporate Confession (Unison)
Touch us with your love, O God,
as Jesus touched the blind man
and gave him sight.
That our eyes, too, might be opened,
to the sacredness
of everyone,
and every thing.
In Christ we pray. Amen.
*Assurance of God’s Love
*Response Gloria
*Passing of the Peace
Love’s In Need of Love Today
Stevie Wonder (b.1950)
Good morn or evening friends
Here’s your friendly announcer
I have serious news to pass on
To everybody
What I’m about to say
Could mean the world’s disaster
Could change your joy and laughter
To tears and pain
It’s that love’s in need of love today
Don’t delay, send yours in right away
Hate’s goin’ ’round, breakin’ many hearts
Stop it please, before it’s gone too far
The force of evil plans
To make you its possession
And it will if we let it
Destroy everybody
We all must take
Precautionary measures
If love and peace you treasure
Then you’ll hear me when I say
Luke 4:21-30 (New Testament Pew Bible Page 53)
I Find This Sermon Offensive
Rev. Ian Cummins
Musical Reflection
Horace Silver (1928-2014)
Making a financial gift makes Montview’s programs and ministries possible, including this worship service. You are invited to give generously at or by texting a dollar amount to 720-452-6449. Offering plates are stationed at the exit for cash and checks. We’re grateful for your support.
God, you have so greatly loved us, long sought us, and mercifully redeemed us. Give us grace that in everything, we may yield ourselves, our wills and our works. A continual thank offering to you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer (Unison)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Hymn Anthem
Lord, I Want to Be a Christian (Spiritual)
Text – Hymnal #729
Prelude and Fugue in D
Johann Caspar Simon (1701-1776)
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Not available on January 30.
Sunday School and Music for Children – Paused
Our online Sunday School offerings will continue.
Location: Zoom
Worship Service
Location: Sanctuary
Childcare – Ages Birth-10 – Paused
Not available on January 30.
Guest Preacher – Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber
Sunday, February 6
We are happy to welcome Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber to our pulpit once again. Rev. Bolz-Weber is serving as Theologian-in-Residence at Montview Church, as well as Pastor of Public Witness with the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
Preacher: The Rev. Ian Cummins
Liturgist: The Rev. Clover Reuter Beal
Piano: Adam Waite
Organ: Barbara Hulac
Soloist: JoFoKe
Bass: Steve Kennedy
Reader: Meredith Broome (8:30am)
Reader: Emily and Abby Musser (11:00am)
Sound: Cate Thieme
Video: John Goerner
We are requiring masks in the sanctuary to protect our more vulnerable congregants.
Co-Pastors: The Rev. Clover Reuter Beal and The Rev. Ian Cummins
Minister of Music: Adam Waite
Minister of Children and Families: Sandy Prouty
Minister of Youth and Families: Amanda Osenga
Executive Director of Operations and Finance: Jason Hays
Director of Facilities: Bob Cloud
Director of Finance: Dan Gasser
Associate Minister of Music and Organist: Barbara Hulac
Administrative Coordinator: Beth Ellsworth
Membership Coordinator: Cindy Austin
Communications Coordinator: Christine Hofstad
Mission Life Coordinator: Jennifer Seward
Minister of Visitation: Peter Hulac
Sextons: Tony Johnson, Charles Johnson and Stewart Schoenthal
Sunday Morning Manager: Doug Easton
Prayer Tree
Wendy Bawmann and family, mourning the death of her parents, Dorthy Gaile Borchart and Eugene Kent Borchart, Dave Force, Joy Freeman, Linda Marrou- Cole, Mac Murphy, Sue Norman, mourning the death of her mother, Gladys Ruth Norman, The Sensenbrenner-Aldridge family, mourning the death of Shirli’s mother, Lois Sensenbrenner, Jonathan Showalter, nephew of Vivian and Scott Showalter, David Timmons, Russ Wehner
We believe that the love of God surrounds us. Our call is to nurture this love in ourselves and each other. Through prayer, worship, education, outreach and mission, we seek to foster spiritual fulfillment, community, tolerance, peace, non-violence and social justice. We dedicate ourselves and our church to follow the Spirit of Christ by word and deed.
We are happy that you are worshiping with us today and invite you to learn more about Montview. Please fill out one of the Welcome Guest Cards that are distributed in the pews and place it on a plate near the exits when finished. Feel free to contact our office at 303-355-1651 or email with questions. Please come again.
Attend a four-hour Inquirers’ Class where you will connect with the pastors and others interested in membership, and receive answers to your questions. The next class is on March 5 from 8:30am-12:30pm. Attending the class is not a commitment to join the church, just a way to discern if membership is right for you at this time. To register for our next class please call our office at 303-355- 1651 or email Cindy Austin at
Find out about all of the events taking place at Montview with our This Week @ Montview email by clicking here.
Are you signed up to receive our weekly emails? If not, contact Christine Hofstad, Communications Coordinator, at
303.355.1651 |