6:00pm and 8:00pm
Concerto for Two Violins, BWV 1043
II. Largo ma non tanto
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
*Call to Worship
Leader: Arise, shine, for your light has come.
People: The glory of the Lord has risen upon us.
Leader: I bring you good news of great joy.
For to you is born this day, a Savior.
People: Glory to God in the highest heaven,
And on earth, peace among all people.
*Opening Hymn 133 O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles)
*Prayer of Reconciliation (Unison)
God of mystery and might,
on this holy night you give us your Son,
wrapped in swaddling clothes,
a Savior, lying in a manger.
On this holy night
draw us into the mystery of your love.
Join our voices with the heavenly host
that we may sing to your glory.
Give us a place among the shepherds
that we may find the One for whom we wait,
Jesus Christ, our Messiah and our Lord. Amen.
*Response Gloria
*Christmas Blessing and Passing of the Peace
Please greet your neighbor with: The Peace of God be with you.
Un Flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle
Trad. French
arr. Richard Walters
Bring a torch, Jeanette, Isabella!
Bring a torch, to the stable call
Christ is born, tell the folk of the village
Jesus is born and Mary’s calling.
Ah! Ah! Beautiful is the Mother!
Ah! Ah! Beautiful is her Child
It is wrong when the Child is sleeping,
It is wrong to talk so loud.
Silence, now as you gather around,
Lest your noise should waken Jesus.
Hush! Hush! See how He slumbers;
Hush! Hush! See how fast He sleeps!
Softly now unto the stable,
Softly for a moment come!
Look and see how charming is Jesus,
Look at Him there, His cheeks are rosy!
Hush! Hush! See how the Child is sleeping;
Hush! Hush! See how He smiles in His dreams!
(Sung in French)
Scripture Lesson
Luke 2:1-20 (King James Version)
The Scandal of the Particular
Rev. Clover Reuter Beal
*Hymn 119 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Mendelssohn)
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Your financial support makes Montview’s many programs and ministries possible, including this worship service. You are invited to give generously at or by texting a dollar amount to 720-452-6449. Holding and passing the offering plate is an act of blessing and dedication to our life together in Jesus Christ.
We invite guests worshiping with us to find the Welcome Guest Cards that are distributed in the pews. We are grateful for your presence and would like the opportunity to share with you information about our church’s programs and ministries. Please place the Welcome Guest Card in the offering plate, or hand it to an usher.
Rejoice greatly, from Messiah
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion;
shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
behold, thy King cometh unto thee
He is the righteous Saviour
And He shall speak
Peace unto the heathen
He shall speak peace
He shall speak peace
He shall speak peace
Unto the heathen.
(Zechariah 9:9,10)
*Response What Child Is This (Greensleves)
So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh; come, one and all, to own Him.
The King of kings salvation brings; Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
This, this is Christ the King,Whom shepherds guard and angels sing;
Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the babe, the Son of Mary!
*Prayer of Dedication (Unison)
Living Christ,
give us faith to trust you,
hope to follow you,
love to live for you,
wisdom to know you,
and joy to adore you.
In the name of Jesus, Emmanuel. Amen.
Please be seated.
Sharing the Light
After the Christ candle is lit, the pastors will pass the light to the persons on the center aisle. Please pass the light to the person next to you by keeping your lit candle upright, as the unlit candle is tipped sideways to be lit. Our candles will remain lighted through the singing of “Silent Night” and the Benediction. Following the hymn, please use an overturned communion cup, found in your pew rack, as a snuffer to extinguish your candle.
Leader: Tonight we light the Christ candle.
The light of Christ comes into the world.
People: It is a light that shines in the darkness,
a light which the darkness cannot overcome.
Leader: May we bear this light in our hearts.
People: May we carry this light into the world.
Closing Hymn (Seated) 122 Silent Night (Stille Nacht)
Benediction Response
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice!
Traditional German Folk
Choral Prelude From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)
Regular Sunday Services 8:30am & 11:00am
Liturgists: Rev. Ian Cummins, Sandy Prouty (6:00pm), Amanda Osenga (6:00pm), Peter Hulac (8:00pm), Sophie Beal (8:00pm)
Conductor: Adam Waite
Organist: Barbara Hulac
Soprano: Madison Falkenstine
Violin: Byron Hitchcock
Violin: Victoria Woodrow
Cello: Evan Orman
Sound: Cate Thieme
Video: John Goerner
Co-Pastors: The Rev. Clover Reuter Beal and The Rev. Ian Cummins
Minister of Music: Adam Waite
Minister of Children and Families: Sandy Prouty
Minister of Youth and Families: Amanda Osenga
Executive Director of Operations and Finance: Jason Hays
Director of Facilities: Bob Cloud
Director of Finance: Dan Gasser
Associate Minister of Music and Organist: Barbara Hulac
Administrative Coordinator: Beth Ellsworth
Membership Coordinator: Cindy Austin
Communications Coordinator: Christine Hofstad
Mission Life Coordinator: Jennifer Seward
Minister of Visitation: Peter Hulac
Sextons: Tony Johnson, Charles Johnson, Stewart Schoenthal
Assistant Minister of Music for Children: Becki Taylor
Sunday Morning Manager: Doug Easton
We believe that the love of God surrounds us. Our call is to nurture this love in ourselves and each other. Through prayer, worship, education, outreach and mission, we seek to foster spiritual fulfillment, community, tolerance, peace, non-violence and social justice. We dedicate ourselves and our church to follow the Spirit of Christ by word and deed.
We are happy that you are worshiping with us today and invite you to learn more about Montview. Please fill out one of the Welcome Guest Cards that are distributed in the pews and place it on a plate near the exits when finished. Feel free to contact our office at 303-355-1651 or email with questions. Please come again.
Attend a four-hour Inquirers’ Class where you will connect with the pastors and others interested in membership, and receive answers to your questions. Attending the class is not a commitment to join the church, just a way to discern if membership is right for you at this time. To register for our next class please call our office at 303-355-1651 or email Cindy Austin at
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