Small Groups

At Montview we come together for many reasons: sometimes to worship, sometimes for service projects, and sometimes just for fun. Fellowship groups are available for all ages and offer a chance to get to know others at the church with similar interests or who are at a similar place in life. There are many fellowship group opportunities at Montview and more are added frequently (this is not a complete list). Contact us to learn more about a particular group or inquire about what is currently being offered.

Supper Club

Our largest and most popular small group is Supper Club.  Join us each September.

View our Supper Club video collection here.

Get Involved

To learn more about the groups offered at Montview, contact

Engage Through Worship and Music

Communion Preparation Team
Prepares bread and juice for communion as well as cleans up after the service.

Westminster Choir (Adults)

Engage at Montview

Building and Grounds
Work includes managing the church maintenance budget, prioritizing repair projects and overseeing major capital projects.

Couples and singles age 70 and up.

Earth Care Team
Work with others to inform the congregation and inspire them to act on behalf of the earth.

Free’r Spirits
Group of people in their 50s and 60s who meet 6-8 times a year (less often during the pandemic) to attend concerts, play games, hike, have backyard barbeques and sometimes volunteer their services at local food banks.

Friendship Ministry
The Friendship Ministry is a Deacon ministry coordinating the process of serving folks who are unable to attend church by connecting them with a friend, one-on-one.

Knitters and Quilters
Create loving knitted shawls and quilts for those in need of healing and baby blankets.

Membership Connections
Welcomes new members at the Inquirer’s Classes and helps new members integrate into the larger church community.

Men’s Ministry
The men of Montview go on a retreat every year, usually in the fall and also meet for a weekly breakfast (right now over Zoom).  In addition, there are Bible study groups for retired men and opportunities all year long to do service projects around the church, build a Habitat for Humanity house or volunteer with our Laborers of Love ministry.

Montview Garden Club
Help maintain the gardens around Montview.

Single women, including divorced or widowed, age 40 and up.

Single Parents At Montview (SPAM)
Singles with children who are divorced, widowed or single parenting by choice.

Couples and singles ages 50 and up.

Ushering and Greeting
Ushers serve once every five weeks at one service. Greeters welcome all and provide name tag, note first time visitors, and answer questions.

Couples and singles ages 60 and up.

West Side Fellowship Group
Older folks living in the western suburbs.

Women’s Ministries
Builds community and growth through retreats, book discussions, and other gatherings.

Women’s Wednesday Evening Book Study

Engage in Our World

Habitat for Humanity
Works to build affordable housing.

Women’s Homelessness Initiative (WHI)
Gives sanctuary and hospitality to women experiencing homelessness.