Jason Hays, Executive Minister

Jason Hays is the Executive Minister at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Jason thrives in resourcing and facilitating the “behind the scenes” work necessary for effective ministry. He enjoys holding the “both/and” view of large, strategic ideas and, at the same time, facilitating detail and technical execution of vision. In his role at Montview, working closely with the co-pastor and staff, Jason is able to do the kind of work he loves every day. He is incredibly grateful for the lay leadership of the congregation, a team of generous souls who give so much of their gifts and graces to make Montview such a vibrant congregation. 

Jason holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from American University as well as a Master of Theological Studies from Wesley Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary. He also holds a PhD in Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Counseling from Brite Divinity School. 

After completing college in Washington, DC, Jason worked as a grassroots organizer and director of operations at Americans United for Separation of Church and State. During that time, he went to seminary part time, and then served congregations in Northern Virginia and Baltimore, MD after ordination. He left parish ministry to begin his doctoral work. After a move to Colorado in 2008, Jason served as associate pastor at First Congregational, Boulder and taught on the faculty at Naropa University until joining Montview.

Along with his spouse, Jason is raising two small children and most of his personal time is devoted to family activities. With his family, he enjoys making amazing creations out of recycled yogurt containers, pipe cleaners and cardboard boxes. They love long walks with their dog, riding scooters in their neighborhood and jumping on beds. Jason is deeply shaped by contemplative and monastic spiritualities and the time he does spend by himself is often passed in Centering Prayer or a monastic retreat. Apart from this, Jason also enjoys a few hours at the spa or a good, long nap!